When Should My Child Get An Orthodontic Evaluation?

If you want to ensure that your child gets the dental care they need as they grow older, you may be wondering if they need to get an orthodontic evaluation, and at what age they should see an orthodontist like Dr. Mindy Altemose for orthodontic care. In this blog from Mansfield Orthodontics, we’ll help you learn everything you need to know about orthodontic evaluations during childhood.

When To Take Your Child To Get Their First Ortho Evaluation

You may think that your child only needs to see an orthodontist when they have most or all of their adult teeth, which usually happens at around the age of 12-13. But in fact, we recommend that you bring your child into Mansfield Orthodontics for an evaluation at the age of 6-7 years old.

Even if your child does not have any major signs of orthodontic issues, it’s good to see Dr. Altemose at an early age so you can ensure that their mouth is developing properly. However, we strongly recommend that you bring your child to see Dr. Altemose if your child has indicators of orthodontic problems such as:

  • Extremely crooked or crowded teeth

  • Teeth that do not meet properly

  • Speech difficulties or impediments

  • A history of thumb sucking or other issues like reverse swallowing or tongue thrusting

  • An unusual bite or jaw position

The Benefits Of An Early Ortho Eval – Understanding Interceptive Orthodontics

So, why bother getting an early orthodontic evaluation? Because it allows Dr. Altemose to use phase 1 orthodontics to treat your child’s mouth as it grows, and move the jaw and teeth into healthier positions.

When your child is young and their permanent teeth have not yet erupted, it’s much easier to adjust their bite and tooth position using specialized orthodontic appliances and devices. 

Achieving these same results in an older child or teenager may require complex oral surgery, tooth extractions, and other such treatments. 

Getting early orthodontic intervention helps you save time and money in the long run, and can reduce or even eliminate the need for further treatment when your child’s permanent teeth erupt in the future. 

Common Orthodontic Options For Young Kids

Every child is different, so every interceptive orthodontic treatment is unique. However, there are a few common orthodontic options that are often used to correct smiles in young kids. Let’s take a look at them now.

  • Palate expanders – Palate expanders are attached to your child’s teeth and exert gentle pressure on their teeth to encourage their jaw to expand and grow properly. They are often required if your child has a narrow or small jaw, which could interfere with the proper growth of their adult teeth.

  • Headgear – Orthodontic headgear can be used to correct both serious overbites and underbites. By exerting pressure on the jaws and teeth as they grow, a set of headgear can encourage proper dental development.

  • Herbst appliance – Herbst appliances use two metal hinges that connect the top and bottom jaws. These hinges are designed to encourage the lower jaw to grow in a forward direction, which helps correct overbites and ensures proper bite position. 

Come Into Mansfield Orthodontics For An Evaluation Today! 

If you want to ensure that your child gets the dental care they need as they grow older, you may be wondering if they need to get an orthodontic evaluation, and at what age they should see an orthodontist like Dr. Mindy Altemose for orthodontic care. In this blog from Mansfield Orthodontics, we’ll help you learn everything you need to know about orthodontic evaluations during childhood.

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